Collagen for Bone Health: The Benefits Explained
Collagen plays an important role in bone mass, which is why many people find it beneficial to take collagen for bone health.
But is collagen good for bones?
Collagen supplementation may improve bone mass density, help to heal broken bones more quickly, and slow the progression of osteoporosis.
In this article, we will cover where collagen is found in your bones, how collagen and bones work together, and some ways that taking collagen for bones can improve the health of people at any age, but especially senior citizens.
Before we talk about the specifics of collagen for bone health, let’s make sure you understand the relationship between collagen and bones.
Where collagen is found in bones
There is a reason people drink bone broth to get more collagen. Your bones are absolutely full of collagen. Where is collagen found in your bones? Well, 30-40% of your bone mass is collagen, and collagen makes up almost 90% of the organic matrix of your bone.
That’s a lot of collagen!
Even your bone marrow is full of collagen, which helps to provide strength and nutrients to your skeletal structure.
Because collagen is such an integral part of your bone structure, it is necessary for your bones to function properly. Without collagen, your bones wouldn’t be able to hold your body upright, and they would be very weak indeed!
Why is collagen good for bones?
Collagen is a structural protein found all throughout your body. It supports a lot of important bodily functions, including bone formation. It helps support processes that allow osteoblasts to form. Osteoblasts are the cells that are required for your bones to grow.
Collagen may also help with bone mineralization, which is the process that strengthens and hardens your bones.
Without collagen, you wouldn't be able to heal broken or fractured bones, and you would probably be much more susceptible to breaking your bones in the first place, since collagen is what helps to create the sturdy framework for your bone structure.
You can see how if you had a collagen deficiency, it might take a toll on your bone health. And, unfortunately, a lack of collagen becomes more common as we grow older. That’s because our natural collagen production slows down every year starting in our mid-20s.
As we age, our body’s natural ability to produce collagen decreases by around 1% to 1.5% each year. That means when we are in our 50s and 60s, there is a good chance that our body is deficient in collagen.
This is one of the factors that causes osteoporosis in people as they age. They simply don’t have enough natural collagen to keep their bones strong and healthy.
The main reason people take collagen for bone health is to prevent or slow the spread of osteoporosis, so let’s take a look at the correlation between the two.
What is osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is a bone disease that slowly causes a loss of bone mineral density and bone mass. This causes the bones to become more weak and increases the risk of bone fractures.
Osteoporosis is surprisingly common. According to the CDC, 12.6% of adults aged 50 and over have osteoporosis of the hips, spine, or both. And these figures are even higher in women. 19.6% of women in their 50s and older have osteoporosis compared with 4.4% of males.
Osteoporosis affects millions of people around the world, and it can be classified as primary or secondary osteoporosis.
Primary osteoporosis is the most common and generally occurs in postmenopausal women and people over the age of 70.
Secondary osteoporosis is less common and occurs as a result of another condition or medication.
But what causes osteoporosis to happen in the first place? Let’s take a look at some common causes of this bone disease.
What causes osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is primarily caused by an imbalance in the processes that regulate bone formation and bone resorption (breakdown). Several factors can contribute to this imbalance:
Bone mass peaks around age 30 and then gradually declines due to decreased collagen levels. This leads to an increased risk of osteoporosis, especially in postmenopausal women due to hormonal changes.
Reduced estrogen levels in women after menopause and reduced testosterone levels in men can lead to increased bone loss.
Inadequate intake of calcium and vitamin D can also weaken bones and contribute to osteoporosis.
Therefore doctors may recommend calcium, vitamin D, hormone supplements, or collagen for bones in order to counteract these natural changes as you age.
Of course, there are other lifestyle factors that can contribute to the onset of osteoporosis. These include:
Physical inactivity: Lack of weight-bearing exercise can cause bones to weaken.
Smoking: Tobacco use can lead to weaker bones.
Excessive alcohol consumption: Increases bone loss and the risk of fractures.
Caffeine: Excessive intake can interfere with calcium absorption.
Endocrine disorders: Such as hyperthyroidism or adrenal gland disorders.
Gastrointestinal disorders: Like celiac disease or inflammatory bowel disease, which can affect nutrient absorption.
Rheumatoid arthritis: Chronic inflammation can contribute to bone loss.
Medications: Long-term use of glucocorticoids (steroids) and some anticonvulsants can weaken bones.
- Genetics: Family history of osteoporosis or fractures can increase your risk.
It's often a combination of these factors rather than a single cause that leads to the development of osteoporosis. Taking steps to maintain bone health through diet, exercise, and medical management can help reduce the risk or manage the condition effectively.
One of the supplements your doctor might recommend is collagen for bone health. But how does collagen help, exactly? Let’s look more closely into the correlation between collagen and bones.
Collagen and osteoporosis - how a supplement can help
Collagen for bone health may be very beneficial to people with osteoporosis. A 2018 study looked at the effects of collagen for bone health in 131 postmenopausal people with reduced bone mineral density.
During the study, researchers measured the effects of taking 5 grams of collagen peptides daily for 12 months, compared with a placebo.
What are collagen peptides? They are collagen molecules that have been broken down into easy to digest pieces through the chemical process of hydrolysis. This makes it more bioavailable to your body so you can fully absorb the supplement.
After the 12 month study, researchers looked at the difference in bone mineral density in the femoral neck where the thigh joins the hip bone and the spine.
The results showed that the people who took collagen peptides actually had increased bone mineral density and improved bone markers. They not only had a reduction in bone loss, they actually had an increase in bone formation.
Because these results were so promising, the researchers followed the study up with another smaller study in 2021. This study looked at the long-term effects of collagen peptides on 31 postmenopausal women.
During the study, it was found that a daily intake of 5 grams of collagen peptides over a 4 year period significantly increased bone mineral density. The participants who took collagen also experienced zero bone fractures over the course of the study.
As you can see, taking regular supplemental collagen for bone health can be greatly beneficial for people living with (or trying to prevent) osteoporosis.
If you or anyone you know is living with osteoporosis, it might be worth talking to the doctor about adding collagen supplementation to your daily supplements.
Of course, you can take collagen for bone health even if you don’t have osteoporosis. It’s also great for helping you to prevent or heal from breaks and fractures.
Collagen for broken bones
There is a reason that doctors use collagen for wound healing. Collagen protein is what your body uses to create new tissue fibers when they become damaged – and the same is true for your bones!
If you fracture or break a bone, your body needs collagen protein to rebuild. Remember – collagen and osteoblasts are crucial for bone growth and bone formation.
This is why collagen is one of the best supplements for broken bones healing.
Taking regular supplemental collagen for bone health provides your body with the building blocks it needs to create new bone fibers and speed up healing after breaks and fractures.
Using collagen for bone health
Now that you understand why collagen for bone health is so important, it’s time to discuss how to use your supplement.
As we mentioned above, if you want to make use of all the benefits of collagen, you need to find a supplement that is easy for your body to absorb. This means looking for a supplement that is labeled “hydrolyzed collagen” or “collagen peptides.”
There are so many collagen peptides benefits because your body can fully absorb the supplement and utilize it where it is needed most in your body. If your supplement isn’t hydrolyzed, your stomach can’t fully absorb it and a lot of it simply goes undigested.
If you want to truly make the most of your supplement, you can look for a nano-hydrolyzed supplement like ProT Gold that has gone through the process of hydrolysis more than once to make it fully absorbable in just 15 minutes or less!
You also want to check the label of your supplements very carefully to ensure there are no harmful additives since most supplements aren’t FDA-regulated. If you want to be extra safe, you can choose a medical-grade collagen product that is FDA-regulated and trusted by doctors.

Taking regular collagen for bone health may be the easy daily change you need to heal more quickly from fractures or turn back the clock on osteoporosis.
FAQs about collagen for bone health
Here are answers to commonly asked questions about collagen for bone health:
What type of collagen is best for bones?
Type I collagen is the main type of collagen found in your bones, so it’s a good idea for you to look for a supplement with Type 1 collagen included. That being said, the most important factor of collagen for bone health is that the supplement is hydrolyzed.
The label of your supplement should say “hydrolyzed” “nano-hydrolyzed” or “collagen peptides.” This will mean it is fully absorbable and easy for your body to put to use with healing your bones.
Does collagen increase bone health?
Yes, collagen may be able to increase your bone health. Results from studies with rodents show that collagen peptides can significantly increase bone mineral density.
How long does it take for collagen to help bones?
How long does it take to see results from collagen supplements? Well, you won’t see changes overnight. Collagen turnover is a slow process, so you will need a minimum of 8 to 12 weeks to start to see changes.
When it comes to collagen for bone health, you can expect to see the full effects after a 12 month period of regular usage.