Woman pouring liquid bariatric vitamins onto a spoon

Why Are Liquid Bariatric Vitamins Important To Take After Surgery?

After bariatric surgery, all doctors will recommend that you supplement your bariatric liquid diet with vitamins. But what they might not tell you is that liquid bariatric vitamins are a much better option than pills, for a bunch of different reasons.

In this blog, we explore why bariatric vitamins are so important after surgery, which vitamins you need to take, and why liquid vitamins are better than pills. 

Before we get stuck into the details of why liquid bariatric vitamins are the best, let’s talk about why bariatric vitamins are so crucial in the first place. 

Why are vitamins important after bariatric surgery?

The reason why bariatric surgery is so effective for losing weight is because it makes you feel less hungry. This is because the surgery either makes your stomach smaller, or in the case of a gastric band, creates a smaller pouch so you feel full sooner.

Bariatric surgery also reduces the amount that you can eat. This is the main reason that it is so important to supplement with vitamins, as you will not be able to eat enough food to keep up with your dietary needs of vitamins and minerals. 

While gastric surgery is an effective treatment option, it has also been linked to lower levels of stomach acid in some patients. Gastric surgery alters the anatomy of the digestive system and changes how food moves through the gastrointestinal tract. 

This can ultimately lead to reduced production of gastric acid, which is necessary for proper digestion and nutrient absorption. Low stomach acid can lead to deficiencies in nutrients like iron and vitamin B12 since these require an acidic environment to be properly absorbed from food. 

It is worth noting that your body needs vitamins and minerals to create stomach acid. Zinc, iron, and B vitamins are all crucial. 

Without taking vitamins after bariatric surgery, your body can fall into a feedback loop where it lacks the building blocks to create stomach acid, leading to lower stomach acid and less ability to harness vitamins and minerals from the food and pills you take.

What happens if you don’t take vitamins after bariatric surgery?

If you don’t get enough liquid bariatric vitamins and minerals in your diet, it can lead to a range of health problems. 

Vitamins and minerals play essential roles in our bodies and are involved in many important processes. Without them, our cells struggle to function properly, leading to deficiencies that can significantly impact our physical and mental wellbeing.

Vitamin deficiencies can cause a wide range of symptoms, including:


If you do not supplement with liquid bariatric vitamins after your bariatric surgery, you are likely to become fatigued. This might not happen right away, and it may take a long time to happen. Unfortunately, once fatigue has set in, it can take a while to come out of it.

Recovering from fatigue related to vitamin deficiency involves giving your body the vitamins that it needs, and this can be a slow process that involves supplementing every day for months before you feel yourself again. 

It is far better to make sure that you keep your body stocked up on the raw materials it needs by giving it liquid bariatric vitamins in the first place.

Weight loss

Weight loss may be one of the goals of bariatric surgery, but not all weight loss is healthy. The weight loss that comes from being vitamin deficient is often rapid and harmful, as opposed to the gradual fat loss you are meant to experience post-surgery.

You are just as likely to lose muscle as fat if you are vitamin deficient. This has the detrimental effect of slowing down your metabolism, meaning that you will burn fat slower in the future. Taking the best bariatric vitamins will help you to avoid this.

Remember that getting enough protein is also important to avoid losing muscle post-bariatric surgery. Bariatric surgery protein shakes can assist you here.

Of course, it’s easy to get sick of protein shakes when you're chugging them every day, so be sure to check out alternatives to protein shakes after bariatric surgery, so you can still reach your protein needs.

Poor hair, skin, and nail health

Liquid bariatric vitamins and minerals are essential for healthy hair, skin, and nails. Without them, you may experience dryness or cracking of the skin; brittle hair that falls out easily; and slow growing or splitting nails. 

Giving your body the bariatric surgery vitamins it needs can help to restore its natural balance and improve these areas of health.

Immune system issues

Liquid bariatric vitamins and minerals play an important role in the functioning of the immune system, helping it to fight off infections and diseases. If you don’t get them, your body may become more vulnerable to illness. 

Supplementing with vitamins can help to restore balance and strengthen your body’s defenses.

Poor wound healing

When you don’t get enough liquid bariatric vitamins and minerals, it can take longer for wounds to heal. This is because the body needs these nutrients in order to repair itself after an injury or surgery. 

Making sure that you are getting all of the necessary vitamins and minerals can help your body to heal faster.

Of course, vitamins and minerals are not the only thing that help with wound healing. Supplementing with liquid collagen protein can also help wound healing, and speed up the time it takes for you to recover from bariatric surgery. 

Depression and anxiety

Vitamin deficiencies can also lead to mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety. It is thought that this may be because the brain needs certain vitamins in order to function properly. If these are not present, it can lead to an imbalance of chemicals which can make you feel low.

These are just some of the potential problems that can arise if you don’t get enough bariatric surgery vitamins and minerals in your diet. It is important to make sure that you are getting all of the essential nutrients that your body requires to function properly. 

Taking liquid bariatric vitamins is an easy way to ensure that you are getting everything your body needs. Doing so can help to prevent deficiencies and keep you feeling energized and healthy. 

Of course, to ensure you’re getting enough of your vitamins and minerals, you need to know which ones you can become deficient in. Let’s take a look at the most important liquid bariatric vitamins post-surgery.

What vitamins will I become deficient in after bariatric surgery?

Here are the most crucial vitamins to take following bariatric surgery in addition to your bariatric liquid diet:

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

Vitamin B1 is important for normal functioning of the nervous system and cardiovascular system. It is also essential for proper digestion and carbohydrate metabolism. People who have had bariatric surgery often have difficulty absorbing thiamine, leading to a deficiency. 

A vitamin B1 deficiency can cause fatigue, confusion, irritability, and depression. To prevent these symptoms after your bariatric surgery you should supplement with liquid bariatric vitamins.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is essential for red blood cell formation, neurological function, and DNA synthesis. It is important for a healthy metabolism as well. After bariatric surgery, absorption of vitamin B12 may be decreased due to the change in gastrointestinal anatomy. 

A deficiency in vitamin B12 can cause anemia, fatigue, confusion, and memory problems.


Iron is necessary for red blood cell formation and oxygen transport in the body. After bariatric surgery, absorption of iron may be decreased due to changes in gastrointestinal anatomy. A deficiency in iron can cause anemia, fatigue, weak muscles, and headaches.


Calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth. It is also necessary for proper muscle contraction, cardiovascular health, and nerve transmission. 

As with the other vitamins in this list, bariatric surgery can reduce the absorption of calcium due to changes in gastrointestinal anatomy and decreased stomach acid.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for bone health as it helps with calcium absorption. It also helps to regulate immune system function, cell growth, and neuromuscular function. 

A deficiency in vitamin D can cause muscle aches and pains, as well as fatigue and depression. 

It’s important to include all these vitamins in your supplements after bariatric surgery. 

Will I have to continue taking vitamins forever after bariatric surgery?

Yes, you will also have to take vitamins after bariatric surgery, since the surgery permanently alters your anatomy and digestion. 

Taking vitamins after bariatric surgery is an incredibly important part of post-surgery care, and helps prevent vitamin deficiencies that can lead to serious health consequences. 

Note that if you have gastric band surgery, it is possible to reverse the surgery, meaning that you will not need to take liquid bariatric vitamins any more. However, all of the other types of bariatric surgery are non-reversible. 

Now that you have a clear understanding of the importance of vitamins post-surgery, and which vitamins are most crucial to take, let’s example why a liquid form of vitamins may benefit you more than pills. 

Why should you take liquid bariatric vitamins and not pills?

While taking pills may help you keep your vitamin levels up following bariatric surgery, liquid bariatric vitamins are by far the best choice for these reasons:

Liquid vitamins are easier to swallow

Who likes trying to gulp down handfuls of massive pills? No one!

This makes liquid bariatric vitamins a great alternative. Swallowing large pills can be difficult and may cause discomfort, which can make it hard for many people who’ve had bariatric surgery to get the vitamins they need.

There are also a number of medical conditions that cause difficulties with swallowing. These include:

  • Oropharyngeal dysphagia (problems with the tongue and throat muscles used in swallowing)

  • Esophageal spasms (involuntary muscle contractions)

  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

  • Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR)

  • Eosinophilic esophagitis 

Other conditions, such as strokes, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, and cerebral palsy can also make it difficult to swallow. People may also have difficulty swallowing pills if they have psychological issues.

Liquid bariatric vitamins offer an easy solution, as you can drink them just like you would a glass of water. 

Liquid vitamins cause fewer digestion issues

Remember how we said that people sometimes have weaker stomach acid following bariatric surgery? Well, liquid bariatric vitamins do not require as strong of stomach acid to be broken down, so you will have no problems digesting them following your surgery.

This cannot be said for all pills. Some pills cause digestive issues like nausea or an upset stomach, which is the last thing you want following a stomach surgery! 

Liquid bariatric vitamins are gentle on your stomach, and are the recommended form for taking your supplements post bariatric surgery. 

That’s why if you’re trying to increase your protein intake, we also recommend liquid collagen protein that is nano-hydrolyzed for easy digestion. 

Liquid vitamins have better absorption

Liquid bariatric vitamins offer greater absorption than pills. Since these bariatric surgery vitamins are already broken down into liquid form, they can absorb more quickly and easily into the body, providing faster and more efficient nutrient delivery. 

Because they absorb more efficiently, you won’t have to worry about your vitamins going to waste in your digestive tract. You’ll get the maximum benefit from each dose, and can be sure that you are getting all the vitamins you need post-surgery. 

Taking liquid vitamins and supplements after bariatric surgery can ensure you’re getting all the nutrients your body needs to function properly. Allowing you to enjoy all the positive effects that come from bariatric surgery.

After all, you’re having this surgery so you can look and feel your very best, and taking your liquid vitamins will help you achieve that.